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The Marketing Diaries
Kelly's hot take on branding in today's insanely complicated marketing economy.

Kelly Bartell
Mar 24, 20233 min read
The power of reflection
I was talking to my friend Ben this morning, about how much I love my job. And I realized—there's a certain moment in the creative...
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Kelly Bartell
Mar 22, 20232 min read
Writing a bio without writer's block (yes! it's possible!)
Here it is: proof that I'm not the only one who gets writer's block when trying to hype myself. "I was really stuck while trying to write...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 24, 20232 min read
Your LinkedIn isn’t actually about you
There is this myth that resumes (yes, LinkedIn is just a really tech-oriented resume) are all about the person highlighted. But it'll...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 21, 20234 min read
Do you need a website? And other poignant questions.
How many of us remember the nineties? It was a strange time. A lot of style choices stand out—shoulder pads, doc martens, stiff jeans and...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 20, 20233 min read
Headshot panic
Let me just say: I LOVE a good picture of myself. They’re handy professionally! They’re a cool snapshot of a moment in time! They’re...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 19, 20233 min read
Mood matters: how to make a mood board that slays without killing your creative vibes.
Mood boards. We talk about these a lot in the design space. So if you're coming from a designerly space (an ad agency, an interior...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 18, 20232 min read
Taglines aren't just for things
Descriptive copy is way hard. It has to be three things. Three things that are simple on the surface, but take some soul searching to dig...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 18, 20233 min read
Let's be real. Self-promotion is hard. But it doesn't have to be.
I put out this little survey on LinkedIn last week asking how people felt about self-promotion. Well, survey says y'all don't feel great...
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Kelly Bartell
Jan 17, 20232 min read
How blogging is not like a möbius strip (I mean: welcome to my feed)
Hey. It's me. Kelly. The author of this site, and now *proud owner* of an online blog. The last time I wrote a blog it was on...
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