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Writer's pictureKelly Bartell

Writing a bio without writer's block (yes! it's possible!)

Here it is: proof that I'm not the only one who gets writer's block when trying to hype myself.

"I was really stuck while trying to write a self-promotion piece, and Kelly helped me sort it out so quickly! Together we crafted something that really represents me, and makes me feel proud of what I do" —Stacy, technical theater pro

Writing a bio is literally one of the hardest things we do as pros (second only to resumes and LinkedIn profiles). And it's not just writer's block; it's imposter syndrome, self-doubt and word vomit. Here are my tips to get a draft on paper easier, faster and *less* painfully.


Gushing about someone else's wins always feels easier, doesn't it? It's simple to compliment your amazing friends. If you write about yourself in third person, some of that easy-to-love energy will flow through. Like this: Kelly is a Execuctive Creative Director and master storyteller.


Pick three clients or projects that you're particularly proud of. String them in a sentence. Don't over think it. It might sound like: Kelly is proud to have worked on clients like Target, Sparkling Ice and Burt's Bees. The clients you serve say so much about you.


Testimonials carry weight—and bonus, YOU don't have to write them! Ask a few colleagues to tell you what they appreciate about you. Then type it in. Example: Kelly has been called "kind", "bold" and "insightful" by colleagues throughout her career.

These are just a few of the strategies we used when we co-wrote Stacy's new bio for her teaching position at Kalamazoo College. It helped her show everyone on campus exactly who she is...and why she's special and one-of-a-kind. A thing I already knew because she's my sister and I already adore her. Also please note I didn't pay her to write nice things about me, she just likes and appreciates me in return!

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